Friday, December 22, 2006

tdc set up - exhibit

[ bismillah ]

i was banging my head this morning when I was going up the elevator. I really have put myself under a lot more stress than needed. The truth is, if anything went wrong with the presentation - it would be Bassam's fault. Hell, the presentation wasn't even assembled yet and there were at least five people that criticized the set up.

"ya akhi! ya'ni move the brezentation to de right. ya know? more light habibi"

It wasn't even set up at the time brotha!

I don't understand what it is, I used to think people just have a very competitive edge or they just love to bring others down. But now I see it really in a different light - these people sincerely care about these presentations and want to put the Ummah's best foot forward at all times. I don't blame them - just next time don't put all the burden on an absentminded washed out wannabe creative.

without further blabbering - let's put the photos up aye!


"Press" Conference - heh


did it work out? hell if i know. i just realized we had more spelling and grammatical errors than before.

but the people did show up.

MJ Khan and Journalist from Chronicle

MJ Khan likes photo opp

mubashir and jamal came in before MJ Khan and Rodwan Saleh.
So we were good.

All in all- everything worked out. Alhamdullilah. So now we have to get everything ready for tonight's major event at the George R Brown Convention Center. After all this is over, I'm finally done with the majority of this convention. Which is good. Cos I just want to move forward now, away from all this stuff and start focusing on my school and my future . (arrrrrr)


Thursday, December 21, 2006

each coming night- press conference tomorrow?


so today is going to be the texas history press conference. none of the material is ready yet.. not even what I'm going to say. Hell, we're not even sure if the press is going to show up to this "press conference".

there are a lot of spelling and grammatical errors in the presentation. pretty embarrassing if you ask me. what to do? I really don't know - but I think I can figure something out, insha'Allah

so mubashir and jamal are going to come into town with all the boards and whatnot for the presentation. i'm worried about a couple of things - so let me go ahead and list them all out. this is probably therapeutic.

  • the printing quality?
    • i wonder how all the boards come out looking
  • content
    • there are two major issues -
      • grammar / spelling errors
      • incorrect facts.. (aye)
  • timing
    • is everything going to be printed in time?
    • will mubashir and jamal make it to Houston in time?
  • press conference
    • who the hell is going to show up?
    • who cares really?
  • presentation
    • have to get clothes ready
    • wait..what am i saying?
  • lighting
    • the presentation needs lights! must purchase
yes . i might seem strung up by the wrist on these minuscule issues, but I guess I've never done something of this "possible" caliber.

who cares- ?

If our intentions are right - that's all that really matters.

I will definitely give an update on this and see how things are moving along.

salaamtak all

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

getting ready - TDC


The Texas Dawah Conference is starting this Friday - Our Muslim Students' Association at UT is putting on the largest display that's probably going to be there - We are doing the History of Muslims in Texas project which MIGHT be kind of interesting. I dunno - I havent seen the final printed version yet because being Bassam - I have a thing for procrastinating..

So that's that - and then I have to get ready to go to Pakistan on the 25th. Well, I will be in New York for two days which I am pretty excited about. I think I will finally be able to visit my old elementary school and all the other areas near where I used to live.

Ahh.. childhood - I miss them good ole days. But in a way, I'm happy they are over. It was really hard sometimes, I'm not going to lie. Being one of the only few brown kids - My brother and I were on the bottom of the "race hierarchy" which sucked. The most common phrase I heard whenever I'd walk down a street was ... "GANDHI ASS MOTHA FUCKA" ..


life is beautiful.

- but we move forward in different ways and end up following some dream and somewhere along the way we find love/debt/sex/food/liquor or whatever the hell satisfies us

I started facebooking a lot of my old friends from my old elementary school. I found a lot of them, it's crazy where everyone is now a days.


Thursday, December 07, 2006

what a long semester


hmm, I like the sound of that. I think that's how I will try to begin this blog from now on. So it's been a long time coming and I think it's time that I start using this blog more frequently.

I don't really care if anyone reads this, it's more so of a way for me to just put my thoughts on to some digital pad and I guess I can look at it anywhere from the world.. Probably not china..

Currently, I am working on a review for my Art History exam that I have coming up tomorrow. I am totally under prepared, but I guess that's the way these things go.


this is a new start : no, seriously.

Instead of always lecturing people and spilling my guts on the stupidest issues - I am going to use this blog for criticism on many levels. from my increasing waist size to the decreasing wages of my people to just about anything.

im pretty sure this stuff is going to sound like crap in the long run - but it'll be a fun read for some wierdo or one of my many stalkers...

..that probably don't exist.

so I should begin this new blog with...

yeah. that's just perfect. nothing at all :)

more to come as time passes. insha'Allah

- salamtakk